St Michael’s C of E Primary School – FIRE

On Sunday 8th December, a fire broke out at St. Michael’s C of E Primary School in Stoke Gifford.  The fire service were called and attended to the scene where thankfully, no one was hurt.  The damage that has been left to the school is significant and detrimental to the staff and students on site.  The school have had to drastically change their classrooms and routine in order to still deliver a great educational experience for the pupils on site.

Kenneth and Edwards heard the news of the fire, and reached out to the school to see if there was any way that we could help, free of charge.  We carried out an independent Property Condition Survey Report for the school so they could have a complete understanding of the condition the school was left in and the repairs they are facing. 

The recent fire had occurred in the conservatory within the courtyard area. This had caused damage to the two adjacent classrooms. The report determined that the conservatory is beyond repair and additional repairs will be required to the adjacent building where the eaves trays of the roof have been damaged by heat etc. and internal plasterwork has also been damaged by heat. Considerable smoke damage has occurred throughout classrooms, and this will require complete renovation, including replacement of sink units etc where these have been damaged by the toxic air.

Now that the school have received their independent report, they now have the knowledge to plan various repair works to the school.  The specific detailing of the exact issues the school are experiencing will allow the school to obtain vital funding to allow these essential repairs to take place, to keep the staff, children, parents and visitors safe. 

After our report was issued to the school, the Head Teacher, Peter Barnard, reached out to us;

“I just wanted to drop you an email to convey my gratitude towards the excellent report you’ve produced following our site survey. I’ve shared it with my Governors and will also be sharing it with the Local Authority as this should form the basis for the grants needed to perform the necessary work and avoid any other catastrophes like we’ve had in the past few months.  I’m sure your report will make the world of difference to all our children and families, Pete”

We are so pleased to be able to offer help to local schools when they are in need.  Certainly, St Michael’s C of E Primary School are very deserving of all the local efforts to help get the school back in working order.

St Michael’s C of E Primary School have set up a Go Fund Me Page to raise funding to help the school undertake some of the urgent works needed as a result of the fire.  Please see the below link where you can donate directly to the school.

St Michael’s C of E Primary School – Go Fund Me Page